DC Blog

Friday, 14 January 2011

Joseph Has Water? (Vectors and Bitmaps Essay)

Hello and welcome my fellow Badger Enthusiasts! Today, I'm here to show you a small essay based on...

Vectors and Bitmaps

Vectors and Bitmaps are two types of image files used on a PC but both use different techniques for creating graphics.

This document will explain what these techniques are and what they do:


Bitmaps or Bitmap images are comprised of very small single points or dots on a screen called pixels:

This Print Screen from MS Paint above shows whereabouts the pixels are shown but really, they are very small and maybe hard to see in a normal view. (Take note that the grid within this image doesn’t exist as a real image. It’s just there to help show what they would look like if you could really zoom in a see the pixels)
Each Pixel can have a different colour within the RGB colour system in whatever program you are using. Here’s another example of a Bitmap image:
You can just about see within the second image the very tiny squares that show the formation of the pixels.

There are curtain programmes, such as Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop that draw images using vectors. Vectors comprise of two or more points joined together on a canvas that can form an image.
When you are drawing with vectors, create something called Control Points. Control Points are small dots that you can use to create lines and can be joined up to create other shapes. The image above is an example of a few lines that have been joined together to create an odd shape. The black lines are the painted lines that you want to draw and the blue highlight or tint is the selection of those lines.

Here is another example of an image created with vector control points:

When it comes to choosing what kind of graphics to use, it’s actually up to you but it’s best to go for a program that works with whatever situation you’re in, that is if you know how to use them.

Here are some advantages of both types:  

·         You can draw free-hand images.
·         Some programmes that use pixels use better effects.
·         Has a more universal choice of file formats to save your work as.
·         Programmes that use pixels are easier to work with.
·         Pixels have individual colour settings and can be manually changed if zoomed in on an area of pixels

·         Anything you draw using vectors are connected via ‘Paths.’
·         Any shapes made with Vectors can be edited or changed.
·         Graphics made using Vectors would look more appealing, sharper and better quality than graphics made with pixels.
·         You can resize any images that are made with vectors without losing quality.
·         Any image made with Bitmaps can be converted to Vector graphics.

Out of everything that has been mentioned within this essay, I would say personally that Bitmaps are the graphics of choice to work with, mainly because I’ve always used programmes that use Bitmaps and I defiantly find them easiest to work with.


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