DC Blog

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

I think he spelt 'Drum' wrong... (Star Wars Blog)

What is Star Wars

Star Wars is a futuristic, science fiction film series created by George Lucas, with the first film, titled, A New Hope. As a science fiction genre, you would expect to see lots of futuristic material within the films, as to which, there are. Through that genre, George Lucas uses intergalactic travel and warfare, where the set is consisting star ships and space cruisers travel in the void of space to other worlds, and all technology is advanced, where robots walk amongst the living, hover vehicles are the main transportation and an entire world is a city. When the platform changes, for example from film to computer game, you are in control of what you see and what to explore, where you want to go. In a sense, you control the main character(s) and you can play their storyline the way you want.

The main structure of the film series is that its story is based on the hero’s journey, where the 'hero' lives live as usual, same boring stuff, different day, until one day a robot turns up on his door step. This is where his journey begins. There are also other elements of the heroes journey, such as refusal of the quest, (where Obi-Wan offered to teach Luck Skywalker how to be a Jedi and he refused) the first battle (where Luke, Han Solo and Chewbacca go to rescue Princess Leia and end fighting off lots of Imperial Storm troopers in the process) and the final battle (where Luke joins the rebels in attempt to destroy the Death Star.) There are a few role models with in the Star Wars films, such as main protagonists (Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia), a main antagonist (Darth Vader), companions (Han Solo, Chewbacca), mentor (Obi-Wan) soldiers or guard (Storm Troopers.)

Since Star Wars has become a huge it all over the world, there are few minority groups who would often go out of their way to try and become a Star Wars character (obsessed fans dressed up as Storm troopers) or acquire collectors merchandise, such as the Han Solo and Chewbacca models (with or without purchase of films) which shows how much dedication the fans have for the films. There are typically more male fans of the Star Wars films, as there are typically more male characters within the films themselves. Typically, the male characters roles in the films are often strong and brave whereas the female characters usually play the "damsel in distress" role. Even with a huge film series like Star Wars, you will expect to have some social groups who do not like them, mainly because they see certain elements within the films they completely disagree with, like choice of characters: Throughout the whole film there were hardly any female characters, as well as there are hardly anyone with darker skin, especially people from different cultures or countries (princess Leia was the only women, Lando Calrissian was the only male with dark skin and general Tarken was the on person with a different culture outside of the USA). This may cause arguments among the people, who are the people that the film lacks, and can call it a form of racism or sexism. This could be the fact that Star Wars came out during the Great Depression and there were still problems of sexism and racism in general at the time.

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