DC Blog

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

You Have No Pancake Mix! (3G Post browse)

Wow, only mere minutes since my last post (well, it was mere minutes when I started writing the post!) . The Badger Blogger is very chatty today... or spammy. Whatever, I'll let you choose your ice cream flavour!

I'm back and here to say that I've just been visiting some ramdom persons home and reading their mail on 3G networks. Infact, I'm still there!

And I quote:

"The 3G network (Third Generation) protocol is something that features in most modern production phones giving the user more usability with access to the world wide web and email, and provides this data a high speed."

Whoever wrote this right in saying that 3G is very easy to use with fast speed, and their right because I use 3G a lot on my iPhone and the connection speed is pretty sweet. Use it, for the Badger Blogger has spoken!

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