DC Blog

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

What! So you're saying that room is Riot Proof!? (Emails and IM)

The Badger Blogger is thinking he should work in a cyber restaurant if he keeps on posting lots of new tasty moursols! Todays "Flavour of the Week" involves... 

Emails and Instant Messaging
Email (or Electronic Mail) is a way of sending and recieving messages across the internet or other computer networks. Email is often sent and recieved from PC to PC, rather than waiting for a piece of paper in an evolope to arrive the next day. Here is an example of an email message:

                      Now on to Instant Messaging!

Instant Messaging is a lot like Email, except it's... well, "instant!" Basically, you can talk to someone over the internet, no matter where they are talking form. (even from across the world!) There are all kinds of websites and software that can allow you use to instantly communicate over the internet. The most common Instant messaging software used today is MSN Messenger. MSN also has other kinds of features you use to communicate instantly, such as Voice or Video calls. Here's an example of instant Messaging

Now, the Badger Blogger will be off, until next time kids!

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

You Have No Pancake Mix! (3G Post browse)

Wow, only mere minutes since my last post (well, it was mere minutes when I started writing the post!) . The Badger Blogger is very chatty today... or spammy. Whatever, I'll let you choose your ice cream flavour!

I'm back and here to say that I've just been visiting some ramdom persons home and reading their mail on 3G networks. Infact, I'm still there!

And I quote:

"The 3G network (Third Generation) protocol is something that features in most modern production phones giving the user more usability with access to the world wide web and email, and provides this data a high speed."

Whoever wrote this right in saying that 3G is very easy to use with fast speed, and their right because I use 3G a lot on my iPhone and the connection speed is pretty sweet. Use it, for the Badger Blogger has spoken!

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Part Fork and Part Spoon... And Part Gerkin! (GPRS)

Hello everyone, the Badger Blogger is here to deliver some sweet, yet very seemingly sour morsals in todays 'Flavors of the Week!'

Today, we are here to talk about the General Packet Radio Service. (or GPRS for short)

GPRS is a mobile data service that works on the 2G and 3G global system for mobile communications. That basically means you can go into town and go on the internet on your phone. (Me? I preffer the 3G network on my iPhone. It's much better!) 

GPRS also supports protocols, here's one:

Internet Protocol - It's a bulit-in browser that uses IPv4. It says it's not yet popular. Ok...

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

But I haven't even drunk it yet! (W3C)

The Badger Blogger is not amused. I bought a perfectly good hot chocolate this mourning, which I had to throw away before yours truly could get a chance taste its sweet heaven because it 'thou shalt taint' the classroom of her holy teachy-ness!

Anyway, I'm here today to talk abouth the guidelines of the W3C: It's mainly about the advantages and disadvantages of the World Wide Web+

The mission statement identifies sharing knowledge, human communication and commerce trading are benefits of using the web, W3C’s primary goal states that all people will have these benefits available to them but here are some barriers that some people may get:

A: Not getting out much
B: Social networking abuse (e.g. stalkers, cyber bullying, etc)
C: Cracking other peoples PC (a misunderstood word for Hacking)
D: ID Theft
E: Lack of physical activities
F: Fraud
G: Disabilities
H: Spyware, Trojan horses and Viruses

Holdon! I got the barriers wrong. They are...

A: Hardware
B: Software
C: Network Infrastructure
D: Native Language
E: Culture
F: Geography location
G: Physical disabilities
H: Mental disabilities 

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Guilty! It's what I do every Friday night! (Photo Shoot and Filming Plan)

Never fear! The Badger Blogger is here!
Wow, that sounded cringy... I'm not saying that again. And the only thing you fear from a badger is a nasty nip.

Not much has been going on today. Me and my group went to the student lounge to get a Hot Chocolate (well, one of us did!) and plan out what we had to do for our video that we were going to film. Then we went to the Chesil block: The only thing we did was for one of us to take photos of the building interior. He did the same thing in the Holworth block asawell.

When he'd finished, we had to ask a couple of people in that block if we could interview them on monday. The problem is that... they weren't teachers. One was working on the main desk in the library on the other was working on the main desk in the Learning Gateway, and he was only covering for someone whos ill! So at some point this week, we're gonna have to come back here to ask some proper teachers for some interviews. Then we had to go back to the Chesil block because we forgot to ask some teachers there if we could interview them, which went well considering I know both of them!

And thats about it for the filming plan. Until Next, This is Three Dog!... No wait! That's Fallout 3! I'm the Badger Blogger, serving up the best badger bites! (Thanks Chris ;))